Dr. Mashawn Orth's photo

Dr. Mashawn Orth

Book Appointment

Fresno, CA & Surrounding Areas

(48) reviews


Service Area: Fresno, CA & Surrounding Areas
Notice Required: 2 hours
Animals Served: All Size Dogs & Cats
Services Offered: Afterhours & Sameday, Extended Travel, Deceased Pet Pick-Up
City: Fresno, CA


Dr. Orth developed a love of animals and science at a young age and knew that veterinary medicine was the perfect career choice. She obtained her bachelor's degree at the University of California, Davis. While there, she stayed busy volunteering at local veterinary clinics, working with a parrot outreach group, and participating in research at a feline nutrition center. During this time, she also enjoyed tutoring undergraduate students and substitute teaching for K-12. After some post-graduate education, Washington State became her home, and she soon obtained her Veterinary degree from Washington State University. She has worked in Fresno since graduation in both a day practice and an emergency setting. While she loved healthy puppy, kitten, and even reptile visits, she soon realized that sometimes a vet's job also necessitates relieving suffering and helping pets to pass peacefully. To be able to further experience and support the bond between humans and their pets has been an honor that she is truly grateful for. Dr. Orth believes that euthanasia in our pet’s homes is a peaceful, loving, and more comfortable way to help them pass, surrounded by the people they love. Family is so important and our pets make up such a special role in our lives. Her husband and she have 3 children, and a household full of fuzzies, fins, fangs, and feathers. In her free time, she enjoys reading, jogging, and catching up on great television series.