Dr. Sarah Clem's photo

Dr. Sarah Clem

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Fresno, CA & Surrounding Areas

(114) reviews


Service Area: Fresno, CA & Surrounding Areas
Notice Required: 2.5 hours
Animals Served: All Dogs & Cats
Services Offered: Out-of-Hours Calls, Deceased Pet-Pick Up, Extended Travel
City: Fresno, CA


Dr. Sarah Clem was born and raised in the Clovis/Fresno area and is a local gal at heart. She graduated from the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine in 2004, after which she completed an Internship at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at Colorado State University. Following that, she began working at a local vet clinic where she is currently employed and has been working with local pets for the last 17 years. Dr. Sarah values not only the time spent with the furry members of pet families but just as much, those who provide their love and care. She has recognized over her years in private practice just how important not only the first day we have with our pets is, but also the last. She desires to help make the goodbyes as comfortable and peaceful as possible.